


Dani Barnes (Nesta Cooper) is passionate about animals and besotted with Cameron Drake (Keith Powers) in #REALITYHIGH. A high school senior, she’s a terrific student from a warm, loving family, hoping for a scholarship to UC Davis with its stellar veterinary school. Her BFF is Freddie (Jake Borelli), who carefully hides his more-than-just-friends feelings. Still, Dani knows she’s a bit of an outlier — she’s not one of the “hot” girls, and her decades-old crush on Cameron is going nowhere. The real trendsetter at school is a social media star, Alexa Medina (Alicia Sanz), who’s jealous of Dani even though Alexa’s got Cameron and an ever-attentive tribe of kids who follow her everywhere. Change is coming, however. After Dani and Cameron bond over a dog at the vet clinic where Dani works, the young man finally notices this girl he’s known all his life. Swept up by her dream-come-true’s attention, Dani quickly moves into the school’s inner circle. Popular, now shedding her girl-next-door image for glamour, the teen makes some really bad choices. As a matter of fact, Dani’s on the verge of losing her moral compass as she immerses herself in her newfound popularity. Lucky for the smart, likable teen, Alexa’s jealous maliciousness helps bring Dani to her senses and learn some valuable lessons about what’s important.

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MovieScout Rating 53


Espirituosos, Alto-astral, Comédia, Escola, Filmes de Hollywood, Vingança

Tempo de execução


Classificação etária


País produtor



Fernando Lebrija


Nesta Cooper
Keith Powers
Alicia Sanz
Jake Borelli
Anne Winters
Patrick Davis Alarcón
Michael Provost

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