Coffee & Kareem

Coffee & Kareem


James Coffee (Ed Helms), a bumbling police officer (in fact, the laughingstock of his precinct), is in love with Vanessa Manning (Taraji P. Henson) in COFFEE & KAREEM. The only thing standing between them is Vanessa’s son, Kareem (Terrence Little Gardenhigh). At 12, Kareem is incorrigible. A menacing rap wannabe, the boy swears outrageously, talks a good game about gangs and violence, and hates even the idea of James Coffee. When Kareem visits a notorious criminal (RonReaco Lee), hoping to have him scare off his mother’s suitor, the boy is an unexpected witness to a killing, a point-blank murder he films on his phone. Now the target of a brutal gang of drug dealers, corrupt cops, and vicious killers, Kareem’s only hope is the man he wanted out of his life.

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MovieScout Rating 52


Absurdo, Irreverentes, Comédia de ação, Dupla cômica, Policial corrupto, Filmes de Hollywood, Empolgantes, Detetives, Ação e aventura

Tempo de execução


Classificação etária


País produtor



Michael Dowse


Ed Helms
Taraji P. Henson
Terrence Little Gardenhigh
Betty Gilpin
RonReaco Lee
David Alan Grier
Andrew Bachelor

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