


Segue uma dominatrix e Hal, seu cliente rico, e o colapso que ocorre quando Hal tenta terminar seu relacionamento.

A wickedly dark comedy follows dominatrix, Rebecca (Emmy Award® nominee Margaret Qualley), and her wealthy client, Hal (Christopher Abbott), as they engage in a high stakes role playing game for power and control. In the wake of inheriting his father's hotel chain, Hal attempts to end his long and secret relationship with Rebecca. A battle of wills ensues over the course of one incredibly fraught night, with both Rebecca and Hal struggling to keep the upper hand as the power dynamics swing wildly back and forth.-
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MovieScout Rating 6.3



Tempo de execução

1 h 36 min

Classificação etária

País produtor



Christopher Abbott
Margaret Qualley
Francisco Castaneda
Kathie Young
Dominic Defilips
Rene Calvo
Danita Battle
Christian Casatelli

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