Lenda Urbana

Lenda Urbana


Um estudante universitário suspeita que uma série de mortes estranhas estão relacionadas a certas lendas urbanas.

Urban Legend tells the story of a group of pretty college students at a remote New England university. The focus of the story is Natalie, a beautiful, academically-gifted student who has a dark secret in her past. Natalie and her friends are all enrolled in the Folklore class being taught by Professor Wexler. Wexler regales his class with urban legends, which include Pendleton's own urban legend about a Psych professor who murdered six students 25 years ago. When several students are found dead, Natalie is the first one to suspect there's a killer on campus, especially after she has ties to all of the victims. Soon enough, she finds that her friends are being picked off one by one, and that her own murder will be the killer's ultimate urban legend.-K. Wilson [edited for spoilers]
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MovieScout Rating 5.6



Tempo de execução

1 h 39 min

Classificação etária

País produtor



Jared Leto
Alicia Witt
Rebecca Gayheart
Michael Rosenbaum
Loretta Devine
Joshua Jackson
Tara Reid
John Neville
Julian Richings
Robert Englund
Danielle Harris
Natasha Gregson Wagner
Gord Martineau
Kay Hawtrey
Angela Vint
J.C. Kenny
Vince Corazza
Balázs Koós

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